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Agricultrue SCIE저널 스페셜 이슈 ‘Soil Management and Greenhouse Gas Emission in Agriculture’ 논문투고 안내

Journal: Agriculture (ISSN 2077-0472, IF 2.072)

Special Issue: Soil Management and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Agriculture

Special Issue Editor: Dr. Chang Oh Hong and Dr. Sang Yoon Kim

Deadline: 10 October 2021

Website of Special Issue:



Guest Editors
Name: Prof. Chang Oh Hong

Email: soilchem@pusan.ac.kr

Affiliation: Department of Life Science and Environmental Biochemistry, Pusan National University, Miryang 50463, Republic of Korea

Website: https://pnu-lseb.pusan.ac.kr/pnuProfl/pnu-lseb/600/4914/artclView.do

Interests: soil; greenhouse gas; nitrous oxide; nitrate leaching; nitrogen; ammonia; fine particulate matter; cadmium; arsenic; phytoavialability


Name: Prof. Sang Yoon Kim

Email: sykim@scnu.ac.kr

Affiliation: Department of Agricultural life Science, Sunchon National

University, Suncheon, Republic of Korea

Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sang-Yoon-Kim-8

Interests: GHG emissions; ammonia volatilization; microbial diversity; soil organic matter; carbon cycling; nitrogen cycling; methane dynamics


 Dear Colleagues,

I would like to invite you to contribute to a Special Issue of the journal Agriculture entitled “Soil Management and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Agriculture” under the section Agricultural Soils.

Agricultural soil plays a sink or source role for the global carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) depending on land use and management. There is increased interest in finding methods and soil management practices to minimize C and N depletion in order to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate change. An increase in soil C and N quality and quantity can be achieved through the adoption of appropriate soil management practices, including cropping systems, tillage operations, fertilizations, biodiversity, and soil amendments, among others. There is an urgent need to enhance the scientific understanding of source, mechanisms, and processes that deplete the soil organic carbon stock (SOC), mitigate GHC, and increase SOC stabilization with the application of available N. Therefore, knowledge of key factors and processes that promote the stability of soil C and N is crucial to adopt site-specific practices that reduce emission of GHGs.

This Special Issue focuses on the role of factors in controlling emission of GHGs including carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide and determining global warming potential, with a major emphasis on the best soil management practices, and enabling tools for obtaining high yields. This issue will tend to highly interdisciplinary studies embracing disciplines from agriculture and soil science, to environment and human. All types of articles, such as original research and reviews are welcome.

Prof. Chang Oh Hong
Prof. Sang Yoon Kim

Guest Editor,




Greenhous gas; soil management; global warming potential; soil organic carbon; soil nitrogen; carbon dioxide; methane; nitrous oxide; fertilization; cropping system; tillage operation; soil amendment; crop productivity; environment; climate change; soil properties.

